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The Project
  Welcome to the chessd project page

ChessD is a free Internet chess server that supports networked chess play, available in Portuguese, English, French and Spanish. This project is an effort to unify, correct and expand older, abandoned servers such as fics, gics and lasker.

We are developers from C3SL- Computer Science and Free Software Center of the Federal University of Parana, Brazil. Our current work is related with an educational project of the CEX - Chess Excellency Center and Parana's State Government for teaching chess in brazilian public schools.

For more details, please visit our project page at

What is the ChessD?

ChessD offers free on-line chess and has been used successfully in educational projects at Parana's public schools. The project is structured to serve as an entertainment, pedagogical and communication tool.

Users find in ChessD an electronic tray, some modalities of games, classification of the players, chat, robots for lessons and matches, and storage of games, among several other available resources.


The ChessD team assumed the project in 2003, reorganized and rewrote a good part of the 18 thousand lines of code. A database was adopted to store information about users and games played. A web interface had been created to publish information, to attract users and to serve as a communication channel. The machine will be expanded soon.

  The current release of chessd is "Chrysallis" and can be downloaded at our sourceforge download page.


  • DInf UFPR - Computer Science Departament of Federal University of Parana State
  • C3SL - Computer Science and Free Software Center of the Federal University of Parana
  • CEX - Centro de Excelência em Xadrez
  • A free public chessd server run for testing purposes. Open to all.

Chessd Development Team - 2003